Part 3 - Philosophy & Love

One of the most important subjects that anyone can address is love. What is love, how is it gained and how is it lost? What effect does it have in motivating people’s actions? Is love universal or limited? If it is universal then why is the experience so often of it being in short supply? How may the experience of love be strengthened and expanded? Is love a part of my essential nature or something alien to me ?

Part 3 covers the following:

  • The true nature of love
  • Overcoming all limits
  • The constancy of true love
  • Love directed to the true essence of another
  • “Love thy neighbour as thyself”
  • Willingness and wilfulness
  • Unity of knowledge and love
  • Relationship of law and love
  • Lawful relationships manifest love
  • Love guided by wisdom

Course Info

Dates:  See the specific course for starting date.
One session a week for 10 to 12 weeks.
Each session will be approximately 2hrs.

Cost: See individual courses

What: Start with the intro course (Part 1 Wisdom Within), and continue for as long as you like.

The school runs Online and In-person courses.
Online courses are run on Zoom.
See Locations page to see where the branches are physically located.

Prerequisites : The courses are sequential and need to be taken in order. E.g. the prerequisite for Part 3 is that Parts 1 and 2 have been completed.

Enrol for In-Person Course

Once you submit the enrolment form, the form will be sent to the branch co-ordinator. They will be in touch by Email with payment options and further details.


The Teaching is profound and applicable to everyday life. The good company has greatly enriched my life.


Philosophy has simply changed my life. It has revealed the way to happiness.


The School has made me find the balance in life both within and outwardly.


Life changing!