Advaita Vedanta
The philosophic enquiry and study in the School is directed towards the understanding of the unity which underlies everyone and everything. The philosophy is known as Advaita Vedanta (Advaita is a Sanskrit word which means “not two”).
The essence of Advaita Vedanta philosophy is that in the ultimate analysis there is no difference between human consciousness and the universal creative consciousness and that practical realisation of this unity is possible through reason.
Advaita Vedanta philosophy is the basis of the School’s principal and secondary aims.

Śrī Śāntānanda Sarasvatī
Ignorance of Advaita means involvement without any chance of escape. It sometimes gives pleasure, sometimes pain, and they come in turn. It creates worries and worries reduce the chance of future freedom from attachment.
If Advaita is accepted, involvement ceases. One watches everything as it is. The mind is not preoccupied with worries. One is free to change a situation without claim of result. One gets proper sleep and every day dawns with opportunity. Illusion is dissolved but the universal drama goes on to be watched in good health and vigour.
Advaita Vedanta is a tradition that was not initiated by any particular authority, so it never became a religion. It is left to the individual to enquire into the nature of the universe, his own identity and his equitable relationship with the universal forces. The seeker must find his way to the Acharya (Teacher) who has attained stillness through wisdom, reason and meditation.
This ancient tradition is not a religion, but it sheds the light of truth on all religions and philosophies. And all religions and philosophies partake of its light in some degree.